Trusted, Quality Nutritional Supplements

Health eLife supports health improvement from the inside out providing an array of top quality, highly vetted, whole food nutritional supplements .

Today’s choices affect your health today, tomorrow and in the future.

Most chronic diseases do not appear overnight. Rather, they come from years of poor lifestyle choices that culminate in illness.  While these conditions cannot be resolved overnight, daily decisions to be active and improve nutrition can reverse the process and lead to years of improved health and wellness.

Your healthcare practitioner and Health eLife are partnering to support you in making the changes to improve your health by making high quality whole food nutritional supplements available to you.

Personalized, Data Driven Supplementation

We understand the trust you put in your healthcare practitioner when it comes to making decisions about your health.   Your practitioner holds unique knowledge about you as a patient and therefore can guide you through preventative care measures and lifestyle modifications that can have a positive impact on your health and well-being.

As a leading provider of plant based health improvement products, Health eLife supports your practitioner in their disease prevention/ health improvement efforts by providing vetted, high-quality, nutritional supplements.  Health eLife supplements are available only through and under the guidance of your practitioner.

Practitioner Guided Supplementation

Health eLife offers high-quality, nutrient-dense nutritional supplement products, products whose safety and efficacy you can trust.  Our goal is to help you live well, age well, and thrive.

Begin your journey to better health today by partnering with your practicitioner to understand what may be missing from your nutrition and what supplements may be helpful for your health.

Try one of our General Wellness Favorites


Catalyn, Dr. Royal Lee’s first product, supplies multiple vitamins. It contains antioxidants and vital nutrients from whole food and other sources.

Multi-Vitamin Health Pack

General Health Packs provide convenient foundational maintenance support to help patients maintain optimal health.

Cataplex B12

An excellent source of  B12, Cataplex B12 supports blood health, folic acid metabolism and homosysteine management.

“Improving my nutrition and activity level has truly made all the difference in my health. “

– Caroline B.

Support for Your Immune System


Congaplex is used for support of the immune system. It is also an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin A and supports the thymus gland.


Immuplex® is a daily supplement supporting a healthy immune system response through a blend of essential micronutrients & minerals, & contains specialized extracts.

Epimune Complex

Epimune Complex is a vegan immune system support supplement designed to help your immune system stand up to challenges.